新品主打Master Mind (2) Student’s Book with Webcode and MP3 CD-1片僅此一檔
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新品主打Master Mind (2) Student’s Book with Webcode and MP3 CD-1片僅此一檔曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: The Mind series is based on two key principles:1. The fact that our dynamic and global world requires competency not only in English, but also in vital, higher-order life skills that are essential in academic, professional, and social life.
2. The idea that language is also a life skill--the key to communicating and connecting with others in all areas of everyday life.
masterMind is for students of English at Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels. The series places emphasis on helping students get past the 'intermediate plateau' through activities the promote higher-order thinking and independent language use. masterMind has special masterSkills sections to develop these higher-order skills that are necessary for success within the social, cultural, and professional domains of today's world.
博客來網路書局mindOnline for students (www.mindseries.net)博客來
* Interactive supplementary materials
* Interactive word lists
* Extra activities
* Videos and accompanying workshee博客來書店ts
mindOnline for teachers (www.mindseries.net)
* All features available to students
* Interactive presentation tools
* e-Planner
* Test Generator
* Extra teaching resou博客來網路書店rces
* Teachers' Forum
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Mickey Rogers.Steve Taylore-Knowles.Dorothy E. Zemach
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2011/04/27
- 語言:英文
新品主打Master Mind (2) Student’s Book with Webcode and MP3 CD-1片僅此一檔
傲視天下11 | 神陸08 | 人皇至尊08 | 滅盡蒼穹02 | ||||
無上刀鋒02 | 裁決35 | 入世花都21 | 風流醫聖30 | ||||
無量真仙21 | 最強棄少18 | 妖道至尊13 | 鬼醫聖手31 | ||||
藥尊風暴12 | 星武至尊09 | 真火丹神22 | 盜天17 |
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拜登有意問鼎白宮 網友有人喊選 有人嫌年事高
美國副總統拜登(Joe Biden)傳出考慮問鼎白宮,社群網站推特(Twitter)上,有人加油打氣,也有人說拜登年事已高。
拜登(Joe Biden)7月31日晚間傳出考慮角逐總統大選,「紐約時報」(New York Times)專欄作家今天披露,拜登兒子布歐‧拜登(Beau Biden)今年5月過世,他在生命的最後一刻,鼓勵父親競逐總統大位。
推特網友BG說,「選下去!」網友Daniel Patton Lindsey則開玩笑說,「如果你參選,希拉蕊將封鎖你,而且你再也看不到希拉蕊的機密電郵。」
不過,有網友認為拜登年事已高。網友BAElor Bear.說:「你嘛幫幫忙,喬大叔!」網友GeneWhite則說:「我實在很不想說...但他年紀太大了。」